Remedies for varicose veins in the legs

Effective way to treat varicose veins

Venous thrombosis in the lower limbs can interfere with blood flow. The treatment method is determined by the phlebologist. After confirming the accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the best and most effective medicine for the disease. From varicose veins of the lower extremities, you can use ointments, gels, tablets, traditional medicines. No matter which treatment the doctor prescribes, its main task is to eliminate varicose veins in the lower limbs and normalize blood flow.

Combined with the treatment of varicose veins, it can quickly recover. In addition to conservative and traditional treatments, physical exercise, diet and nutrition, and contrast media are considered effective treatments.


The main goal of drug therapy is to minimize the clinical manifestations of varicose veins, prevent adverse consequences, and normalize blood circulation.

The disadvantage of conservative treatment is that treatment can correct symptoms, but it cannot completely eliminate the problem.

Distinguish the main types of drugs:

  • Phlebotonics-Help improve the tone of vein walls and eliminate leg swelling. It is not recommended to take tablets in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Blood thinning drugs-Prevent the process of thrombosis. Used to treat thrombophlebitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs-This type is represented by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics.

It is unrealistic to absolutely cure varicose veins. A deformed container will not be able to restore its original shape under any circumstances. With the help of the operation, the veins on the surface were removed. However, the deep veins cannot return to normal in this way. It is difficult to diagnose them. After the operation, it is likely that about 80% of varicose veins will reappear after a period of time.

If the treatment is combined with prevention, the development process will be suspended to prevent complications. However, you must undergo a lifelong examination and attend a consultation with a phlebologist.

Tablet PC use

The tablet form is the most effective and most popular form for treating varicose veins on the legs. If it is not possible to use the medicine locally, the doctor will prescribe them.

Tablets for varicose veins in the legs can be combined with compression therapy and topical medications.

Therapeutic properties of tablets:

  • Improve the tone of leg veins;
  • Speed ​​up blood flow;
  • Eliminate inflammation process;
  • Accelerate lymphatic drainage;
  • Eliminate microcirculation changes.

Classification of drugs for varicose veins in the legs:

  • Vein Botany;
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Non-steroidal analgesics;
  • Aspirin and its derivatives;
  • Drugs to prevent thrombosis.

Bamboo plants are very effective due to their healing properties:

  • There is no negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Eliminate burns and swelling of the legs.

Ointment to treat diseases

This ointment not only helps cure varicose veins in the legs, but is also a preventive measure.

For the treatment of diseases, doctors usually recommend the use of ointments with the following therapeutic effects:

  • Relieve leg pain;
  • Eliminate leg swelling;
  • Improve valve system performance;
  • Increase the tone of the vein wall;
  • Reduce the risk of complications.

According to the treatment effect, ointments are divided into:

  • Contains heparin.It has an absorption effect, prevents thrombosis and stops the process.
  • contains intravenous active ingredients. Ointment, which includes sweet clover, horse chestnut extract, buttocks, helps to eliminate pain and strengthen leg veins.
  • Contains non-steroidal substances.For prevention purposes, drugs are used to prevent blood clots and thrombophlebitis. Medications help eliminate the inflammatory process and help reduce leg pain.
  • contains glucocorticoids.They are highly effective drugs to eliminate pain and inflammation in the lower limbs. The disadvantage is that there are many contraindications and negative consequences.

In the early stages of varicose vein formation, ointment is recommended. During this period, the patient may be troubled by the following symptoms:

  • The feeling of sore legs;
  • Itchy lower limbs;
  • Swollen legs;
  • Spider veins and veins appear on the skin.

This ointment helps to eliminate the symptoms listed, and also has the following therapeutic functions: normalize microcirculation, prevent the process of thrombosis, and dissolve blood clots (if present).

In order for the chosen ointment to effectively treat varicose veins, the appointment and recommendations of the attending doctor must be considered. This disease can only be treated in its early stages. Using this ointment at the right time is very important for the disease. It is necessary to inhibit the pathological process. Many people with this problem are wondering if they are selling a less expensive and effective ointment. The availability of prices is critical to most people.

Many venous biologists believe that the cost of varicose vein ointment is different. For some people, it is impossible to obtain expensive drugs. Therefore, they prefer less expensive analog products. When allocating the cost of medicines, we should mainly pay attention to the composition, the value and cost of each ingredient.

The asterisk ointment for the legs is used externally and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 3 times a day. The use process of the ointment is 14 days. If there are spider veins on the face, it is recommended to include anticoagulants in the treatment complex. It is not recommended to use the ointment in cases of lesions, skin ulcers and allergic reactions to the product ingredients.

Cream to treat diseases

The cream contains an active substance that helps relieve pain and strengthen vein walls. Creams usually contain vitamin C, B1, and B5. Thanks to vitamins, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the regeneration process is accelerated.

Varicose veins complicate the penetration of active substances into leg tissues. Therefore, for effective treatment, the concentration of the coagulant must be high. Although the tool is easy to use, it is not recommended as the main treatment.

Compressed clothing

Compression suit for treating varicose veins

Compression stockings have been successfully proven to treat varicose veins. It improves the condition of blood vessels, accelerates blood flow and prevents congestion.

Although compression stockings are effective, wearing compression stockings does not eliminate the pathological cause. Therefore, compression underwear can be used as another treatment for varicose veins, which can eliminate pain and swelling.

Traditional Medicine

Only qualified experts can propose the best treatment for varicose veins. In the early stage of disease development, it can be treated at home with the help of traditional medicine. It is recommended to discuss folk remedies with a doctor to avoid worsening the situation.

Several effective folk recipes:

    < garlic >Garlic must be grated and mixed with butter in a ratio of 1 to 2. Then, apply thin gruel to the affected area and fix it on the extremities with paper and thick cloth. Compression must be done before going to bed and left overnight.
  • In order to prepare the chestnut infusion, you need to pour 50 g of raw materials into 500 ml of alcohol. The product should be injected for 2 weeks and then must be filtered. It is recommended to take three doses of the dose before meals.